35 Bulcock Street, Caloundra 4551 07 5492 2822

“Dry Eye Syndrome: Solutions at Best Practice Eye care”

Dry Eye Syndrome, a prevalent condition affecting numerous individuals, is more than just an occasional inconvenience. At Best Practice Eyecare, we understand the chronic and often debilitating nature of this condition. We will discuss Dry Eye Syndrome, including its causes, symptoms, and advanced treatments at our clinic. These treatments aim to provide relief and improve eye health.

  • Understanding Dry Eye Syndrome


Dry Eye Syndrome, also called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is when the tear film that protects the front of the eye breaks down. Dry Eye Syndrome, also called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is when the tear film that protects the front of the eye breaks down. We’ll look at how these symptoms can greatly affect daily activities such as reading, driving, and using a computer.

  • The Root Causes of Dry Eyes


Dry Eye Syndrome can be caused by blepharitis, which is inflammation of the eyelids. It is a common factor we see at our clinic. Environmental factors, such as air conditioning and windy conditions, can exacerbate the condition. 


Let’s explore how our lifestyle and surroundings affect dry eyes.We use modern treatments such as Intense Pulsed Light therapy. This therapy has been highly effective in rapidly and fully alleviating symptoms for numerous patients.

  • Symptoms and Daily Impact


Dry Eye Syndrome can make your eyes red, blurry, sensitive to light, painful, and give you headaches. Symptoms can vary. These symptoms can lead to a significant decrease in quality of life, affecting activities that require sustained visual attention. We’ll discuss how these symptoms manifest and the importance of recognising them early for effective management.

  • Modern Treatment Modalities


At Best Practice Eyecare, we go beyond traditional treatments like eye drops, which often provide inadequate relief. We use modern treatments such as Intense Pulsed Light therapy. This therapy has been highly effective in rapidly and fully alleviating symptoms for numerous patients. 

  • Innovative Approaches to Treatment


Innovation in eye care has led to groundbreaking treatments for Dry Eye Syndrome. One such advancement is the use of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. IPL therapy, first used in dermatology, now treats the meibomian glands in the eyes that cause dry eye symptoms. 


This treatment uses light to unclog glands around the eyes and restore normal tear film. It is non-invasive and gentle. At Best Practice Eyecare, IPL therapy has shown great results, giving hope to patients with chronic dry eyes.

  • Lifestyle Adjustments and Home Care


Managing Dry Eye Syndrome extends beyond clinical treatments. Simple lifestyle adjustments can significantly impact the severity and frequency of symptoms. We give advice to our patients about taking care of themselves at home. This includes drinking enough water, using humidifiers in dry places, and taking breaks from screens to rest their eyes. 


Dietary changes, including increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, can also play a role in alleviating symptoms. These home-based strategies, combined with professional treatments, form a holistic approach to managing dry eyes.

  • The Role of Regular Eye Exams


Regular eye exams are crucial in the early detection and management of Dry Eye Syndrome. Regular check-ups are important at Best Practice Eyecare. This is especially true for individuals at higher risk. 


These individuals include those with a history of eyelid inflammation, contact lens users, and those exposed to specific environments. Dry Eye Syndrome can be caused by blepharitis, which is inflammation of the eyelids. It is a common factor we see at our clinic.


  • Empowering Patients Through Education  


Education is a powerful tool in the battle against Dry Eye Syndrome. We spend time teaching patients about their condition, helping them understand the causes and reasons for each treatment. Patients gain knowledge to make informed decisions about eye care and manage symptoms actively.




Dry Eye Syndrome is a multifaceted condition that demands a comprehensive and personalised approach to treatment. 


At Best Practice Eyecare, we provide the most up-to-date eye care advancements. We also offer education and support for managing eye health at home. If you’re experiencing symptoms of dry eyes, we invite you to explore the treatment options available at our clinic. We can help you improve your eye health and quality of life, not just manage your symptoms.


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Based on the Sunshine Coast, we provide ophthalmologist, eye care and surgical services of the highest standard. We treat and manage a wide range of eye conditions including cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration and more.

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