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Eye Safety and Makeup: How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Beautiful

Eye Safety and Makeup: Tips for Healthy Eyes | Best Practice Eyecare

Makeup can enhance your natural beauty, but it’s crucial to use it safely to avoid eye problems. From choosing the right products to proper application techniques, there are many ways to ensure your eyes stay healthy while you enjoy your makeup. This article will share essential tips for eye safety when using makeup, helping you maintain beautiful and healthy eyes.

Choosing the Right Eye Makeup

Selecting safe and appropriate eye makeup is the first step in protecting your eyes.

Avoid Glitter and Metallic Makeup

Glittery and metallic eye makeup can be problematic because tiny particles can fall into your eyes, causing irritation and even infections. These particles can scratch the surface of your eye, especially if you wear contact lenses. Use sparingly if you love sparkles, and avoid applying them near the lash line.

Quality Over Quantity

Invest in high-quality makeup products. Cheaper brands might contain harmful chemicals or lack proper testing. Look for products specifically designed for use around the eyes and avoid those with harsh ingredients.

Check Expiration Dates

Makeup, especially eye products, has a shelf life. Bacteria can grow in makeup over time, leading to infections. To avoid these risks, it’s best to replace your eye makeup every three months.

Proper Application Techniques

How you apply your makeup is as important as the products you choose.

Cleanliness is Key

Always start with clean hands and a clean face. Wash your hands before applying makeup to prevent transferring bacteria or other pathogens and irritants to your eyes. Ensure your brushes and applicators are clean, washing them regularly with mild soap and water.

Careful Application

Apply makeup outside the lash line to avoid blocking the oil glands of the upper or lower eyelid. These glands secrete oils that help protect your eyes. Never apply makeup inside the lash line, as this can introduce bacteria directly to your eyes.

Avoid Sharing Makeup

It might be tempting to share makeup with friends, but this can lead to the spread of bacteria and infections. Always use your makeup and applicators.

Safe Use of False Eyelashes and Eyelash Extensions

False eyelashes and extensions can enhance your look but require careful application and maintenance.

Professional Application

It’s best to go to a professional for eyelash extensions. They have the proper tools and expertise to apply extensions safely, minimising the risk of injury or infection. If you prefer using false lashes at home, use high-quality glue and follow the instructions carefully.

Avoid Magnetic Lashes

Magnetic eyelashes using a magnetic liner can be safer than glue-on lashes if applied correctly. However, if the magnets are too strong, they can pinch the eyelid or irritate. Use them sparingly, and permanently remove them gently.

Preventing Eye Infections

Eye infections can be painful and lead to serious complications. Here’s how to avoid them.

Discard Old Makeup

As mentioned, eye makeup should be replaced every three months. Creamy or liquid eye makeup is particularly prone to bacterial growth. Always check the expiration dates and discard old products.

Avoid Makeup When Infected

If you develop an eye infection, stop using makeup immediately. Discard any products you were using during the infection to prevent recontamination. Wait until the infection has completely cleared before resuming makeup use.

Preventing Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions to makeup can be uncomfortable and unsightly.

Introduce Products Gradually

When trying new products, introduce them one at a time. This way, if you react, you can quickly identify the culprit. Start with a small amount and observe how your skin reacts over 24 hours.

Know Your Allergens

If you have a history of allergic reactions, learn to identify common allergens in makeup. Check ingredient lists and choose products formulated for sensitive skin.

Avoiding Eye Injuries

Eye injuries can occur if makeup is applied carelessly.

No Makeup on the Move

Never apply makeup while in a moving vehicle. One sudden bump can lead to a severe eye injury. Take your time and apply makeup in a stable environment.

Be Gentle with Tools

If your lashes clump together, avoid using sharp objects to separate them. Instead, use a clean brush to comb through your lashes gently. Sharp objects can easily poke or scratch your eye, leading to injury.

Special Considerations

Certain situations require extra care when using eye makeup.

After Eye Surgery

If you’ve recently had eye surgery, such as LASIK or cataract surgery, avoid wearing makeup around your eyes until your ophthalmologist gives you the green light. Applying makeup too soon can introduce bacteria and other pathogens to the healing area and cause complications.

Using Heated Eyelash Curlers

Heated eyelash curlers can help achieve beautifully curled lashes, but they should be used cautiously. Follow the instructions carefully, and never use a too hot curler, as this can burn your eyelids, eyes or lashes.

Daily Makeup Removal

Removing your makeup properly is just as important as how you apply it.

Gentle Cleansing

Use a gentle makeup remover specifically designed for the eyes. Avoid harsh rubbing or scrubbing, as the skin around your eyes is very delicate. Opt for oil-free removers if you wear contact lenses to prevent residue from clouding your lenses.

Double Cleansing

Consider double cleansing, especially if you wear heavy makeup. Start with a makeup remover, followed by a gentle facial cleanser to ensure all makeup residue is removed. This prevents clogged pores and potential infections.

Regular Eye Exams

Routine eye exams are essential for maintaining good eye health, especially if you regularly use eye makeup.

Why Eye Exams Matter

Regular eye exams can help detect early signs of infections, allergies, or other eye conditions, such as blepharitis, that might be exacerbated by makeup use. Your eye care professional can also give you personalised advice on using makeup safely based on your eye health.

When to Schedule an Exam

Schedule an eye exam with your optometrist at least once a year. If you notice any changes in your vision, discomfort, or signs of infection, don’t wait—make an appointment immediately.

Makeup can be a fun and expressive way to enhance your appearance, but it’s important to prioritise eye safety. By choosing the right products, applying them carefully, and following proper hygiene practices, you can enjoy beautiful makeup looks without compromising your eye health.

At Best Practice Eyecare, we’re dedicated to helping you maintain healthy eyes. If you have any concerns about your eye health or makeup use, don’t hesitate to reach out for advice or a consultation with a referral from your GP or optometrist.

Love your eyes. Get them checked.

Proactive Eye Care: Strategies to Slowdown the Progression of Cataracts

Discover practical tips from Dr. Michael Karpa at Best Practice Eyecare on preventing cataracts and reducing the need for surgery. Learn how lifestyle changes can protect your vision.

Proactive Eye Care: Strategies to Prevent Cataract Surgery Introduction

“Discover valuable tips from Best Practice Eyecare’s ophthalmologist, Dr. Michael Karpa, on reducing your risk of cataracts and avoiding surgery.”

Cataracts, characterised by the clouding of the eye’s lens, are a significant concern, especially for the aging population in Australia. This condition impacts more than half of Australians over 50, and nearly everyone faces this challenge by age 80. 

While factors like age and genetics are beyond control, lifestyle choices and environmental factors play a substantial role in cataract development.

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Michael Karpa, a leading ophthalmologist at Best Practice Eyecare on the Sunshine Coast, we promote eye health through preventative measures.

Understanding Cataracts 

Cataracts impair vision, making daily activities increasingly difficult. This condition develops gradually, often unnoticed, until significant vision impairment occurs. Understanding what contributes to cataract formation and how to mitigate these factors is essential for proactive eye care.

Comprehensive Lifestyle and Health Strategies to Prevent Cataracts: UV Protection for Your Eyes 

Sunlight, particularly UV radiation, has been linked to the acceleration of cataract development. On the Sunshine Coast, where the sun shines brightly, wearing sunglasses with high UV protection and wide-brimmed hats is more than a style statement – it’s a health necessity. Ensure your sunglasses block 100% UVA and UVB rays for adequate protection. This can also reduce the risk of developing skin cancers on your eyelids and eyes. 

The Impact of Smoking on Eye Health 

Tobacco smoke not only harms your lungs and heart but also significantly increases the risk of cataracts. The toxins in cigarette smoke directly affect the proteins within the lens, leading to clouding. Quitting smoking can halt this progression and contribute significantly to eye health.

Nutritional Approaches to Eye Health 

Diet plays a pivotal role in preventing cataracts. Foods rich in antioxidants, particularly vitamins C and E, can help protect the eyes. Dark, leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables should be staples in your diet. Like fish, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids also benefit eye health.

Regular Eye Examinations: Early Detection and Intervention 

Regular eye examinations are essential for the early detection of cataracts, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. Best Practice Eyecare recommends comprehensive eye exams, particularly for individuals over 40 or those with a family history of eye diseases.

Managing Chronic Health Conditions 

Chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension can increase the risk of cataract development. Properly managing these conditions through medications, diet, and lifestyle modifications is crucial for eye health. Regular consultations with healthcare providers are recommended to manage these conditions.

The Benefits of Physical Activity 

Regular exercise has been linked to a lower risk of cataracts. Physical activity improves blood circulation, which is beneficial for eye health. Incorporating walking, cycling, or swimming into your routine can help slow down the development of cataracts and other health issues, such as diabetes. 

Stress Management and Eye Health 

Chronic stress can negatively impact overall health, including eye health. Stress-reduction activities like yoga, meditation, or regular exercise can be beneficial for maintaining healthy vision.

The Role of Hydration 

Staying well-hydrated is crucial for overall health, including eye health. Adequate hydration helps to ensure that the eyes remain lubricated and healthy, potentially reducing the risk of cataracts.

Limiting Alcohol Consumption 

Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of cataract development. Moderation in alcohol intake is advisable to maintain overall and eye health. Too much alcohol leads to an increased risk of falls or accidents, major causes of eye injuries and traumatic cataracts. 

Preventing cataracts involves a holistic approach encompassing lifestyle modifications and regular eye care. Integrating these strategies into your daily life can significantly reduce the risk of cataract development and the need for surgery. Dr. Michael Karpa and his team at Best Practice Eyecare are committed to guiding and supporting patients on the Sunshine Coast in their journey toward maintaining optimal eye health.

For personalised advice, preventative strategies, or advanced treatment options, contact Best Practice Eyecare.

Love Your Eyes. Get Them Checked.

Explore Premier Eye Care with Caloundra’s Best Practice Eyecare

Comprehensive Eye Care Services in Caloundra

 Caloundra, The Hinterlands, and Sunshine Coast residents can access premier eye care through Best Practice Eyecare, led by renowned ophthalmologist Dr. Michael Karpa. 

This facility is known for its advanced treatments and comprehensive approach to eye health. It covers many eye conditions beyond the commonly discussed ones, like cataracts and glaucoma. We explore some less common yet impactful eye conditions treated at this clinic.

Pterygium: The Surfer’s Eye

Pterygium, often known as “Surfer’s Eye,” is more than just a benign growth—if it grows significantly over the cornea, it can impair vision. 

The condition is particularly prevalent in sunny, sandy environments like Caloundra, making it a common issue for residents. 

Best Practice Eyecare’s treatment strategies include preventative measures such as UV-protective eyewear and surgical removal when necessary. The surgery involves precise excision and typically consists of a conjunctival autograft to ensure low recurrence rates. 

The clinic uses the latest surgical techniques and equipment to minimise patient discomfort and recovery time.

Entropion & Ectropion: Eyelid Malpositions

Entropion causes considerable discomfort as the eyelashes and skin rub against the cornea, potentially leading to corneal abrasion or ulceration. Ectropion exposes the delicate inner surface of the eyelid, leading to pain, tearing, and potential eye damage. Dr. Karpa treats these conditions with tailored surgical procedures designed to correct the eyelid position while maximising the cosmetic outcome as well as functionality. 

Techniques may involve tightening the eyelid’s muscles and ligaments or repositioning the tissue to improve function and appearance.

Blepharitis: Chronic Eyelid Inflammation

Blepharitis is uncomfortable and can also affect the surface of the eye and tear production, leading to more severe eye issues if untreated, as well as impacting your vision. 

At Best Practice Eyecare, a detailed regimen is prescribed to manage this condition, including maintaining eyelid hygiene through regular cleaning routines, warm compresses to loosen debris and warm the oil in the meibomian glands, and potentially antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications if indicated. The clinic also offers advanced treatments like Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), assisting in clearing meibomian gland blockages. Combined with meibomian gland expression, most patients enjoy improved symptoms very quickly. Best Practice Eyecare also offers BelphEx treatment, which clears the eyelid margins of bacterial buildup, which adds to the overall blepharitis picture.

Flashes and floaters can be alarming, indicating potential posterior vitreous detachment or retinal tears. 

Best Practice Eyecare employs comprehensive diagnostic evaluations, including dilated fundus examinations, photography and Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT) to ascertain the cause of these symptoms. 

Posterior Vitreous Detachment occurs when the vitreous, or jelly, that keeps the eye “pumped up” shrinks, often a natural part of the aging process. 

In cases where a retinal tear is present, prompt treatment can prevent progression to retinal detachment. Treatment is often laser photocoagulation to seal retinal breaks and avoid further complications. Best Practice Eyecare has the most up-to-date retinal laser available. Dr Karpa is a skilled practitioner, achieving excellent results, and preserving eyesight. 

Providing Patient-Centric Care

Dr Karpa and his team at Best Practice Eyecare emphasise a holistic approach to eye care, considering each patient’s lifestyle, health background, and specific eye care needs. 

They integrate the latest research and clinical practices into their treatments and are committed to educating their patients about their eye health, allowing for informed decision-making. Every aspect of care and treatment is up-to-date and evidence-based. 

Residents of Caloundra,  Caloundra and the broader Sunshine Coast have access to top-tier eye care at Best Practice Eyecare

Whether dealing with common ailments or less typical conditions, patients can expect a comprehensive approach focusing on practical solutions and personalised care plans. Dr. Michael Karpa’s expertise and the clinic’s advanced technologies provide a foundation for excellence in ophthalmology.

If you want to learn more about these conditions or schedule a consultation, visit Best Practice Eyecare to ensure your eye health.

Love your eyes. Get them checked.

Advanced Eye Treatment Options on the Sunshine Coast: Insights from Caloundra’s Specialists

Advanced Eye Treatment Options in Caloundra | Sunshine Coast Eye Care Specialists

Discover the latest eye treatment options from leading Caloundra, on the Sunshine Coast, specialists. Learn about innovative therapies for cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and more.

Welcome to the forefront of eye care technology and treatment methodologies offered by well-known eye care specialists in Caloundra, Sunshine Coast. 

At Best Practice Eyecare, led by the esteemed Dr. Michael Karpa, the commitment to providing cutting-edge treatments and compassionate care shines through their comprehensive service offerings. We explore the advanced eye treatment options for various conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

Comprehensive Services for a Broad Range of Eye Conditions

Cataract Surgery: Cataracts, the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, are most commonly due to aging. 

Best Practice Eyecare offers the latest in cataract surgery with personalised intraocular lens options to restore clear vision. Techniques such as phacoemulsification allow for small incision entries and quick recovery times.  The most up-to-date technology calculates the best lens for your surgery. Only premium lenses are inserted by Dr Karpa’s skilled hands to ensure the best visual outcome for your lifestyle.

Glaucoma Management: Best Practice Eyecare provides a comprehensive approach to glaucoma management. Dr Karpa has undertaken advanced training, ensuring the best possible outcomes for complex cases. 

This includes initial assessments with detailed visual field testing to map the extent of vision impact and advanced Optical Coherence Tomography to visualise any optic nerve damage and the structures of the front of the eye. Intra-ocular pressure is just part of the “glaucoma picture”. 

Treatment strategies may include prescriptions of topical (eye drops) or systemic medications and laser treatments such as Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty or Peripheral Iridotomy Laser. Surgical options include Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, which involves implanting a device to reduce Intraocular Pressure. 

Macular Degeneration Treatments: At Best Practice Eyecare, age-related macular degeneration treatment strategies are tailored to the type and severity of the disorder. 

Treatments include lifestyle advice, nutritional supplementation, and advanced pharmacological interventions like anti-VEGF therapy to inhibit the growth of abnormal blood vessels under the retina.

Dry Eye Syndrome: This condition is tackled using a multi-faceted approach that combines over-the-counter solutions, prescription medications, and treatment options. 

Treatments may range from environmental modifications and dietary adjustments to more advanced procedures like Intense Pulsed Light therapy and BlephEx, which address the root causes of dry eye. Daily home management includes heat masks and lid scrubs with tea tree oil foam.  

Leading Technology and Patient-Centric Care

The clinic employs state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment technologies, ensuring high diagnosis and treatment effectiveness and accuracy. It also draws on the expertise of our ophthalmologist, Dr. Michael Karpa, and his highly trained and dedicated team.

Their technological arsenal includes the latest laser technology for precise surgeries, digital retinal imaging for an in-depth look at eye health, and automated systems for the most accurate intra-ocular lenses post-cataract surgery. Each patient is treated with a holistic approach, considering all aspects of their ocular health in the context of their overall well-being.

Providing Education through Expert Blog Content

Dr. Karpa and his team are committed to patient education through their expert blog content. These articles explain complex eye conditions and offer insights into the latest research and advancements in eye care. 

Patients are encouraged to engage with this content to understand better their treatment options and how lifestyle choices can impact their health.

The specialists at Best Practice Eyecare in Caloundra, are dedicated to advancing eye care through comprehensive treatment strategies, state-of-the-art technology, and a deep commitment to patient education. 

They are a leading example of quality and innovation in eye health on the Sunshine Coast.

For more information on their advanced treatment options or to schedule a consultation, visit Best Practice Eyecare and ensure your eye health is in expert hands.

Love your eyes. Get them checked.

Selecting the Best Glaucoma Care: Expert Guidance


Dr Michael Karpa Eye Surgeon Best Practice Eyecare Sunshine Coast 15


Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a severe eye condition characterised by damage to the optic nerve, often associated with elevated intraocular pressure. 

At Best Practice Eyecare, the detection and treatment of glaucoma are prioritised using comprehensive screening methods that help catch the disease in its early stages. The clinic’s approach integrates detailed patient history assessments, visual field tests, and optic nerve scans to establish a baseline and monitor changes over time. 

This proactive surveillance is crucial as glaucoma is typically asymptomatic in its early stages but can lead to significant vision loss if untreated.

Expertise of Dr. Michael Karpa

Dr. Michael Karpa’s expertise in ophthalmology, particularly in glaucoma, premium cataract surgery and oculoplastics, sets Best Practice Eyecare apart. 

His extensive education and fellowship training across several countries have equipped him with unique skills and insights into common and rare eye conditions. Dr. Karpa’s research contributions in molecular chemistry and sensory impairments further enrich his practice, bringing a deep scientific understanding to his clinical approach. His leadership ensures that the clinic addresses eye conditions with advanced medical strategies and a deep commitment to scientific advancement and patient education.

State-of-the-art facilities and Personalised Care

The clinic’s facilities, with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment tools, reflect the latest medical technology. These include high-resolution imaging for detailed views of the eye’s internal structures and advanced surgical tools for minor and major procedures. 

Each patient at Best Practice Eyecare experiences a personalised treatment plan tailored to their specific condition and lifestyle needs, ensuring optimal outcomes. The clinic’s environment is designed to provide comfort and reassurance, easing the anxiety that often accompanies treatment for chronic conditions like glaucoma.

Comprehensive Treatment Options

Best Practice Eyecare offers a wide array of glaucoma treatments tailored to each patient’s severity and progression of the disease. These range from pharmaceutical treatments to control eye pressure to laser therapies that provide new drainage pathways for eye fluid and advanced surgeries for more complicated cases. 

Each treatment plan is designed following extensive diagnostics and a thorough review of the patient’s overall health and personal circumstances, ensuring a holistic approach to care.

Ongoing Education and Community Engagement

Dr. Karpa is committed to the ongoing education of both his patients and the broader medical community. His clinic’s active role in community engagement through educational programs underscores its dedication to elevating eye care standards across the region.

Choosing the Right Glaucoma Care

When choosing the right provider for glaucoma care, patients should look for a combination of expert medical professionals, advanced technology, and a patient-centred approach. Best Practice Eyecare exemplifies these criteria, offering comprehensive care prioritising patient safety, comfort, and education. 

Their track record of successful patient outcomes speaks to their commitment and expertise in managing various eye health issues, with glaucoma care being a specialty.

Best Practice Eyecare, under the guidance of Dr. Michael Karpa, represents the pinnacle of glaucoma care on the Sunshine Coast. The clinic’s holistic approach to treatment, cutting-edge technology, and a deep commitment to patient education ensure that each patient receives the best possible care. 

Patients are encouraged to engage actively in their treatment plans, supported by a caring team dedicated to preserving and enhancing vision.

For further details about Best Practice Eyecare’s glaucoma treatment options or to schedule a consultation, please visit their official website or contact their dedicated team directly.

Love your eyes. Get them checked.

Understanding Cataracts: A Comprehensive Guide to Clearer Vision


Understanding Cataracts: Causes, Symptoms, and Modern Treatment Options

Dive deep into the world of cataracts, including what causes them, how they affect your vision and the latest advancements in treatment options for a more transparent future.


Cataracts are a leading cause of vision impairment worldwide, affecting millions of people each year. Despite being commonly associated with aging, this eye condition has many facets that are often misunderstood. 

This comprehensive guide aims to demystify cataracts, shed light on their causes, symptoms, and the latest treatment options available, and ensure you have the information needed to navigate this condition.

What is a Cataract?

At its core, a cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens, which lies behind the pupil and works much like a camera lens, focusing light onto the retina to produce clear images. 

Unlike the common misconception, cataracts do not involve a growth over the eye’s surface or a significant change in the lens’s size. Instead, the lens becomes increasingly cloudy, often changing to a brown colour, which progressively impairs vision.

Historically, “cataract” comes from the Greek word hyponym, meaning “downpour of water.” This aptly describes the visual impairment as looking through a waterfall. This depiction highlights cataracts’ profound impact on an individual’s quality of life, affecting their ability to see the world.

Symptoms of Cataracts

The progression of cataracts is often gradual, leading to a slow onset of symptoms that may include:

  • Blurred or Cloudy Vision: The hallmark of cataracts, where vision becomes foggy or less colourful.
  • Glare Sensitivity: Difficulty seeing in bright light or experiencing halos around lights, especially at night.
  • Double Vision: Seeing double images in the affected eye, a symptom that can occur even in the early stages.
  • Frequent Prescription Changes: Eyeglass prescriptions must be updated more often than usual.
  • Diminished Night Vision: Difficulty seeing in low-light conditions, impacting activities like driving at night.

Causes and Risk Factors

While aging is the most common cause of cataracts, other factors can contribute to their development, including:

  • Genetic Predisposition: A family history of cataracts increases your risk.
  • Medical Conditions: Diabetes, for instance, can lead to cataract formation.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are linked to cataracts.
  • Environmental Factors: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet sunlight.
  • Previous Eye Injury or Surgery: Past trauma to the eye can lead to cataract development.

Innovations in Cataract Treatment

The field of ophthalmology has seen significant advancements in cataract treatment, moving towards less invasive procedures with quicker recovery times and improved outcomes. 

At Best Practice Eyecare in Caloundra, we’re committed to providing our patients with access to the latest treatment options, including:

  • Phacoemulsification: A minimally invasive procedure where the cloudy lens is emulsified with an ultrasonic handpiece and then aspirated from the eye. This method allows for smaller incisions and a faster recovery period.
  • Premium Intraocular Lenses (IOLs): The development of multifocal and accommodative IOLs has enabled patients to reduce or even eliminate dependence on glasses after cataract surgery. We use the best lenses available anywhere in the world. 

Choosing the Right Treatment Path

Deciding on the best treatment option involves thoroughly evaluating your condition, lifestyle, and vision goals. At Best Practice Eyecare, our team, led by Dr Karpa with extensive training in cataract surgery and oculoplastics, is dedicated to guiding you through this process. 

We believe in a patient-centred approach, ensuring you are informed and comfortable with your treatment plan.

The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection plays a crucial role in effectively managing cataracts. Regular eye examinations are essential, especially as you age or if you have risk factors for cataracts. These exams can help identify cataracts in their early stages, even before symptoms are noticeable, allowing for timely intervention.

Living with Cataracts

While the prospect of cataracts can be daunting, it’s important to remember that they are highly treatable with today’s medical advancements. Many individuals who undergo cataract surgery experience a significant improvement in their vision, often regaining the ability to perform daily activities with renewed ease and confidence.

Cataracts no longer signify an inevitable decline in vision quality as we age. With a deeper understanding of this condition and the treatments available, there is every reason to be optimistic about maintaining a clear vision throughout our lives. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of cataracts, we encourage you to contact our team at Best Practice Eyecare in Caloundra. Together, we can chart a course towards clearer vision and a brighter future.

Closing Note: Cataracts are a common yet manageable eye condition. Armed with the correct information and access to modern treatment options, individuals facing cataracts can look forward to regaining clear vision and enjoying a high quality of life.

Love your eyes. Get them checked.

“Expertise in Focus: The Transformative Journey of Oculoplastic Excellence”


Transforming Lives with Precision: The Comprehensive World of Oculoplastic Surgery

Explore the transformative world of oculoplastic surgery with our in-depth guide. Learn how these procedures can improve your life, from restoring vision to enhancing facial aesthetics, with Best Practice Eyecare.

Transforming Lives with Precision: The Comprehensive World of Oculoplastic Surgery


In medical miracles, oculoplastic surgery stands out as a beacon of hope for those with complex conditions affecting the eyes and their surrounding structures. At Best Practice Eyecare, we’re not just performing surgeries but crafting pathways to new beginnings, where vision clarity and facial harmony are restored, and life is seen through a brighter lens. 

This comprehensive exploration into oculoplastic surgery will guide you through the transformative journey that awaits.

Unveiling Oculoplastic Surgery

Oculoplastic surgery is a specialised field that focuses on the delicate area around the eyes, including the eyelids, tear ducts, and orbit. 

This niche combines the precision of ophthalmology with the aesthetic finesse of plastic surgery, offering both medically necessary and cosmetically desirable solutions.

Conditions That Call for Oculoplastic Intervention

Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids): Beyond a cosmetic concern, ptosis can significantly impair vision. Correcting this condition enhances appearance and broadens the visual field, making daily activities more accessible and safer.

Entropion & Ectropion: These eyelid malpositions can lead to severe discomfort and eye damage. Surgical correction restores the eyelid’s position, relieving irritation and protecting the eye from further harm.

Eyelid and Facial Skin Cancers: The meticulous removal of cancerous growths, followed by reconstructive surgery, is paramount to both health outcomes and the preservation of the patient’s appearance.

The Journey with Best Practice Eyecare

The Compassionate Consultation

Your journey begins with a heartfelt consultation, during which we listen to your story, understand your concerns, and outline your aspirations. This empathetic approach ensures we’re aligned with your vision for transformation from the start.

Diagnostic Mastery

Leveraging cutting-edge diagnostic tools, we map out a detailed picture of your condition. This critical step informs our surgical planning, allowing us to approach your treatment with the highest precision and personalisation.

Surgical Artistry at Its Best

Our surgeons, with their expert hands and artistic eyes, perform each procedure with a commitment to excellence. We aim to achieve optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes from intricate adjustments to comprehensive reconstructions.

Navigating Recovery Together

Recovery is a journey we navigate together. With personalised aftercare plans and continuous support, we ensure your healing process is as comfortable and practical as possible, leading you towards a swift and successful recovery.

Why Trust Best Practice Eyecare?

Expertise and Empathy: Our team combines surgical excellence with genuine care, ensuring you feel supported at every step.

Advanced Techniques: We stay at the forefront of oculoplastic innovations, offering the best treatment options.

Tailored Treatments: We understand that each patient is unique, so we customise every treatment plan to meet your specific needs and goals.

Proven Success: Our track record of transformative outcomes demonstrates our commitment to excellence in oculoplastic surgery.


The Transformative Impact of Oculoplastic Surgery

Imagine a life where vision is no longer hindered by droopy eyelids, where the discomfort of eyelid malpositions is a thing of the past, and where the face in the mirror reflects your inner vitality. 

This is the life-changing potential of oculoplastic surgery—a journey of renewal that many of our patients have embarked on and emerged from, feeling rejuvenated and confident.

Embarking on Your Transformation

If you’re contemplating oculoplastic surgery, you’re moving toward improved vision or appearance and a transformed life. At Best Practice Eyecare, we’re dedicated to guiding you through this journey with expertise, care, and compassion. 


Contact us to discover how we can help you achieve not just the vision and appearance you desire but a renewed sense of confidence and joy in life.


Love your eyes. Get them checked.

“Unveiling Glaucoma: Understanding the Sneak Thief of Sight”

“Understanding Glaucoma: The Silent Cause of Blindness Worldwide”

“Dive deep into what glaucoma is, how it silently affects millions, and why early detection through regular eye exams is crucial in preventing irreversible blindness. Schedule your eye exam today and safeguard your vision.”

Glaucoma, often termed the sneak thief of sight, is a complex group of eye conditions that stealthily damages the optic nerve, crucial for vision, leading to irreversible visual impairment and potentially blindness. This condition is notorious for its gradual progression, often without noticeable symptoms until significant vision loss has occurred, earning it the moniker of the “silent blinding disease.”

Public Awareness and Attitudes

According to Glaucoma Australia, 150,000 Australians are unaware that they have glaucoma and are at risk of losing their precious eyesight. One in fifty Australians will develop this disease over their lifetime and half of these will remain undiagnosed. 

The insidious nature of glaucoma means that up to half of those affected in developed nations are unaware they have the condition. This figure could soar to 90% in less developed regions.

Glaucoma encompasses several types, with the majority being “primary,” occurring without a discernible cause. 

Previously, high intraocular pressure (IOP) was considered the main culprit behind glaucoma. However, it’s now understood that glaucoma can afflict individuals even with normal IOP levels, positioning it as one of several risk factors alongside racial ancestry, family history, high myopia, and advancing age.

While some glaucoma forms manifest at birth or during childhood, most cases develop after the age of 40, with the prevalence increasing with age. There’s no significant difference in the incidence of glaucoma between men and women. 

The most prevalent forms among adults are Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) and Angle-Closure Glaucoma (ACG), with POAG being more common in Caucasian and African ancestries and ACG more frequently seen in Asian ancestries. ACG can be particularly acute, presenting as an extremely painful eye with rapid loss of vision.

Currently, there is no cure for glaucoma, making early detection through regular eye exams critical. These exams can identify glaucoma in its nascent stages, allowing for interventions that can significantly slow the progression of the disease and prevent severe visual impairment or blindness.

The Importance of Awareness and Early Detection

Raising awareness about glaucoma is vital. Many are unaware of their condition until it’s too late, primarily because glaucoma’s early stages rarely cause pain or vision problems. 

Regular eye examinations are essential, especially for those over 40 or with risk factors such as a family history of the disease. These exams can detect glaucoma early when it is most treatable, helping to preserve vision.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones


  • Regular Eye Exams: Schedule comprehensive eye exams every one to two years, especially if you’re over 40 or have risk factors for glaucoma.
  • Know Your Family History: You may be at higher risk if glaucoma runs in your family. Awareness and regular screenings can make a difference.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Understanding glaucoma and spreading knowledge can encourage others to seek regular eye care, potentially saving sight.
  • Live a Healthy Lifestyle: While not directly preventable, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help manage risk factors associated with glaucoma.


Glaucoma remains a significant global health challenge due to its silent progression and the irreversible nature of its effects. However, with increased awareness, regular eye screenings, and early detection, it’s possible to manage the condition and prevent severe vision loss. 

Our surgeon, Dr Michael Karpa is a Glaucoma Specialist and will develop the best care plan for your condition with you. He treats patients medically, surgically and with laser. Surgery includes Trabeculectomy and MIGS (Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery). He is well experienced in laser procedures such as Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) and Peripheral Iridotomy (PI), the aim being to normalise your Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP). 

If you or someone you know is at risk for glaucoma, don’t wait for symptoms to appear. Schedule an eye exam today and take a crucial step toward protecting your vision for the future.

Love your eyes. Get them checked.

World Glaucoma Week 2024: Raising Awareness with Best Practice Eyecare, Caloundra, QLD

World Glaucoma Week is more than just an event; it’s a global movement to tackle the leading cause of irreversible blindness. 

This initiative brings together healthcare professionals, organisations, and communities to highlight the importance of early detection and treatment of glaucoma. 

At Best Practice Eyecare, nestled in the heart of Caloundra, QLD, we’re not just participating but leading the charge. Our commitment to enhancing eye health extends beyond our clinic’s walls, deepening into the community we proudly serve.

Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a complex disease characterised by damage to the optic nerve, often associated with increased intraocular pressure. It’s a condition that stealthily progresses, frequently without warning signs, until significant vision loss has occurred. 

The disease can be categorised into several types, including open-angle glaucoma, the most common form, and angle-closure glaucoma, which is a medical emergency.

The impact of glaucoma is profound, with over 60 million people affected worldwide. In Australia, the condition is particularly concerning, with a significant portion of the population at risk of developing glaucoma during their lifetime. The challenge with glaucoma is its silent progression, making regular eye examinations not just important but essential for early detection. Early intervention can halt or significantly slow the disease’s progression, preserving vision.

 World Glaucoma Week 2024

Tips for Glaucoma Prevention and Management

Preventing glaucoma starts with understanding the risk factors, including age, family history, and medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. Here are some strategies to help manage these risks:


  • Comprehensive Eye Exams: Regular exams are the cornerstone of glaucoma prevention. They allow for the early detection of changes in eye pressure and optic nerve damage.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Exercise can help reduce intraocular pressure, and a diet rich in antioxidants can support overall eye health. Avoiding excessive caffeine and staying hydrated are also beneficial.
  • Protect Your Eyes: Eye injuries can increase the risk of developing glaucoma. Always wear protective eyewear during activities that could harm your eyes.
  • Stay Informed: Advances in glaucoma research are continually emerging. Staying informed about new treatments and management strategies can empower you to make informed decisions about your eye health.


How to Get Involved


  • Book a Screening: Book the first step in preventing glaucoma by scheduling your screening with your optometrist. Early detection is critical to protecting your vision. They will refer you to Dr Karpa if they have any concerns. 
  • Educate and Advocate: Share the information you learn from online news feeds, friends, and family. Awareness can lead to action.
  • Social Media Campaign: Use your platforms to share facts about glaucoma, personal stories, or information about World Glaucoma Week. Hashtags like #WorldGlaucomaWeek can help spread the message far and wide.


World Glaucoma Week is a critical initiative in the fight against glaucoma, a disease that silently affects millions. 

At Best Practice Eyecare, we’re dedicated to participating in this initiative and leading it within our community. 

Through education, engagement, and preventive care, we can work together to shine a light on glaucoma and safeguard our collective vision for the future. 

Join us in making a difference during World Glaucoma Week 2024 and beyond.


Love your eyes. Get them checked.

“Shining a Light on Glaucoma: World Glaucoma Week and Its Champions”

“World Glaucoma Week 2024: Awareness Through the Eyes of the Famous”

“Join us in observing World Glaucoma Week from March 10-16, 2024, as we highlight the stories of famous individuals like Bono and Whoopi Goldberg battling glaucoma. Learn how their experiences bring attention to this sneak thief of sight.”

World Glaucoma Week, observed from March 10-16, is a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about glaucoma, a group of eye conditions that can lead to irreversible blindness. 

This condition, often known as the “sneak thief of sight,” affects millions worldwide. Despite its prevalence, many will know its dangers once it’s too late. 

The stories of famous individuals who have been diagnosed with glaucoma, including Kirk Pengilly of INXS, U2’s Bono, actress Whoopi Goldberg, astronaut John Glenn, tenor Andrea Bocelli, and supermodel Christie Brinkley, serve as powerful reminders of the importance of early detection and treatment.

The Sneak Thief of Sight

In most people, the damage caused by glaucoma is associated with increased pressure inside the eye slowly destroying the optic nerve at the back of the eye, leading to vision loss. What makes glaucoma particularly insidious is its gradual onset. Many individuals only realise they have the condition once they have lost a significant portion of their vision. 

World Glaucoma Week aims to combat this lack of awareness by encouraging people to get regular eye examinations, which can detect glaucoma in its early stages.

Celebrities Bringing Glaucoma into the Spotlight

Kirk Pengilly and the Vision of Resilience

Kirk Pengilly, the guitarist and saxophonist of the Australian rock band INXS, has been open about his diagnosis of glaucoma. Pengilly’s story is one of struggle but also hope and resilience. He has used his platform to stress the importance of regular eye check-ups, especially for those with a family history of the condition.

Bono’s Revelation

U2’s lead singer, Bono, revealed that he has been living with glaucoma for over two decades. His signature tinted glasses are not just a fashion statement but a necessity to manage light sensitivity, a symptom of the condition. Bono’s openness about his glaucoma has helped raise significant awareness, showing that early detection can allow individuals to continue leading productive lives.

Whoopi Goldberg’s Advocacy

Whoopi Goldberg, the acclaimed actress and television host, has also been diagnosed with glaucoma. Her advocacy brings attention to the importance of compliance with the prescribed treatment. 

John Glenn: A Vision Beyond Earth

John Glenn, the first American to orbit Earth, was diagnosed with glaucoma later in life. His diagnosis did not deter him from his missions in space and on Earth, as he continued to advocate for science and health. Glenn’s story shows that individuals with glaucoma can achieve extraordinary feats with proper management.

Andrea Bocelli’s Operatic Triumph Over Glaucoma

The renowned Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli has faced significant challenges due to his vision. Bocelli was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma at a young age, and a sports accident during his adolescence led to complete blindness. Despite these challenges, Bocelli’s remarkable career inspires many, demonstrating that vision loss cannot dim the spirit of a truly passionate individual.

Christie Brinkley: A Supermodel’s Vision for Awareness

Christie Brinkley, the American supermodel and actress, has used her diagnosis as a platform to advocate for regular eye screenings. Brinkley’s commitment to raising awareness about glaucoma underscores the importance of early detection and the role of preventive care in maintaining eye health.

The Importance of Awareness and Early Detection

The stories of these famous individuals underscore the critical importance of awareness and early detection in managing glaucoma. Regular eye exams are crucial, as they can detect glaucoma in its early stages even before vision loss occurs. 

World Glaucoma Week is a reminder to prioritise our eye health and schedule regular check-ups.

How You Can Participate in World Glaucoma Week


  • Get Screened: Schedule an eye exam to check for signs of glaucoma, especially if you’re over 40 or have a family history.
  • Spread the Word: Use social media platforms to share information about glaucoma and World Glaucoma Week. Awareness can lead to early detection and treatment for many.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Learn more about glaucoma, its symptoms, and treatment options. Knowledge is power, and sharing it can save someone’s sight.


World Glaucoma Week is a crucial initiative that brings attention to a condition that affects millions yet remains largely misunderstood. 

The stories of Kirk Pengilly, Bono, Whoopi Goldberg, John Glenn, Andrea Bocelli, and Christie Brinkley highlight the importance of awareness, early detection, and treatment.

By sharing their experiences, these famous faces help illuminate the path to prevention and management of glaucoma, offering hope and encouragement to those affected. 

Let’s join hands this World Glaucoma Week to shine a light on glaucoma and protect our most precious sense: our sight.

Love your eyes. Get them checked

Best Practice Eyecare Ophthalmologists

Based on the Sunshine Coast, we provide ophthalmologist, eye care and surgical services of the highest standard. We treat and manage a wide range of eye conditions including cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration and more.

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